
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Patao me if you can while you chase!

Latest survey by SKORE condoms has revealed that advertising for condoms really works more so on TV. A study found that 31%  people are buying condoms after seeing a particular brand on TV, while 17% used a condom after a friend recommended it. Other reasons were – by the shopkeeper's recommendation (14%), recommendation by wife (13%) and attractive package in display (12%).
While they score runs on the pitch, you can Skore in a league of your own.With the whole country chasing runs on the pitch, trust Skore to encourage its fans to play their own game. With last year’s Skore Patao League, fans were asked to compete against each other in 5 exciting (but tough) challenges in a bid to ‘patao’ the ultimate woman. And ‘patao’ they did! Last year saw more than 10,000 participants in the Skore Patao League. But this time, Skore decided to take T20 to the next level. While users pataoed the ultimate woman in 2013, 2014 is all about pleasure. 

Skore proudly presents the Skore Pleasure League. With twenty tricky overs, Skore tests its fans in the art of pleasuring a woman, all while they represent their cities in the bid to come up top. From finding her erogenous zones in ‘Moan by Numbers’ to finding the perfect kinky match in ‘Roleplay Roulette’ – nothing is spared in the SPL. And to add to that is Skore’s exclusive T20 pack. With 20 coloured condoms, an exclusive Skoring Stances booklet, and a unique code to score even more runs in the SPL, fans can now score like a pro online AND in the bedroom.
Fans can enter the Skore Pleasure League by logging in through their Facebook account or register with their email ids. After that they must complete twenty tasks to make it to the end. They can improve their score and move up the Skoreboard by entering the unique code on Skore’s T20 pack, sharing the SPL on their timeline, and inviting their Facebook friends to join them. And, when all twenty tasks are complete, fans can participate in the SPL Super Over – a chance to add even more points with six of their favourite tasks!
So join the Skore Pleasure League today and leave the run chasing to the others. Here’s where you play your own game.

About the game:

We have created a microsite and it is hosted at Users log into the site and after basic registration, they will be playing 20 tasks. For their performance of these 20 tasks, runs will be given to the users. We have 5 games live right now and the rest of the games will be launched at regular intervals. The scores of the users will be saved and they can come back to the microsite to play the rest of the games once they are launched. 
There will be daily leaderboard for the contest and winners will be selected. Also, the contest is integrated with a unique alpha-numeric code mentioned in the pack. We have already created 2 lacs codes and these codes will be integrated in the site for more points.

Skore Pleasure League:

a.       About the Pack:

1.       A Special Edition Pack to be launched during IPL – Pack to be named as T20 Pack and will contain 20 coloured condoms. 
2.       It will  be a consumer offer pack – Sex Positions booklet will be given free along with this pack
3.       MRP of this pack would be Rs. 120/-
4.       Consumers buying this pack will be eligible to win some cool prizes – Daily, Weekly Prizes and Grand Prizes to be won

b.      About the Contest:

1.       Name of the contest is “Skore Pleasure League”
2.       Minimum Age for participating in the contest is 18. 
3.       Anybody above 18 will be able to participate in the contest. They just need to log on to to kick start
4.       During Registration, they would also have to select a particular team out of the 10 teams available. ( 9 teams from previous season’s SPL) – Please note that these teams have no bearing on the contest and all prizes will be decided only on Individual performance. The teams are only for creating excitement during the contest. 
5.       Once registered, they will get to perform 20 exciting & thrilling tasks 
6.       Based on their performance and other measurement standards they will be awarded runs for each task - criteria for awarding runs and how many runs to be awarded will be decided
7.       Score that the user gets will get added up to his/her account 
8.       There will be Daily & weekly prizes for the participants who are top scores in the leader boards on the respective day and week. ( Ideally Top 1 daily & top 5 Weekly)  
9.       At the end of the contest, the top 3 participants will be win the Grand prize. However, to be eligible to win a Grand Prize, the participant needs to buy a Special Edition T20 pack.
10.   Everytime a Special Edition T20 pack is got, the participant needs to open the pack and find an unique code inside the top flap of the pack. 
11.   Each code will give you extra runs and increase the chance of winning the Grand Prize – Extra Runs will be high and this will act as a motivator for them to buy more packs
12.   Entering the unique code will give him/her 50 runs
13.   Share SPL on Facebook timeline – 4 runs
14.   Inviting Facebook friends to SPL 6 runs

c.       Winning the Game:

1.       There will be three category of prizes – Daily, Weekly & Grand Prizes
2.       Daily  prizes will be given at the end of each day. The top 3 contestants at the end of the each day will get Skore Merchandise of Rs.250 each.  (180 prizes in 60 days)
3.       Weekly prizes will be given at the end of each week. The top 5 contestants at the end of the week will get Book My Show Vouchers of Rs. 1000 Each. 
4.       The Weekly prizes will be given away for 8 weeks – total of 40 winners 
5.       Grand prize will be announced at the end of the contest – June  30th
6.       The top 3 contestants at the end of the contest will win the Grand prizes – iPad. 
7.       However, only contestants who buy the pack will be eligible to win the Grand Prizes.
8.       For all prizes, except the Grand Prizes, the respective prizes will be couriered to the winners
9.       Only for the Grand Prize, contestants will be given the prize in person. However, they would have to produce the Special pack with the code which they had purchased.

Can you survive twenty overs? Play SKORE Pleasure League to find out - .

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